This annotation provides a way to add security configuration to business methods. It will use roles to check if a user has permission to call…
Tag: java
Using the @Lookup Annotation in Spring
The @Lookup annotation is an injection (like @Inject, @Resource, @Autowired) annotation used at the method level. This annotation tells Spring to overwrite the method, redirecting…
@PreDestroy and @PostConstruct in Spring: Managing Bean Lifecycle
These annotations are called at specific moments in the bean lifecycle. They allow you to define methods executed after a bean is created and before…
@Resource: The Versatile Bean Injection Annotation for Jakarta EE and Spring
This annotation does bean injection, like the @Autowired and @Inject annotations. This annotation is packaged with Jakarta EE and will work on your Spring projects….
Understanding the @DependsOn Annotation in Spring
Introduction to the @DependsOn Annotation This annotation tells Spring that the bean marked with this annotation should be created after the beans that it depends…
Understanding @Primary in Spring
If you read my post about the @Qualifier annotation, you have noticed that defining two beans of the same type can be a challenge. By…
Using @Qualifier to Resolve Bean Conflicts in Spring
When working on a Spring project, you might encounter a situation where you have multiple bean implementations for the same type. This can cause an…
How @AliasFor Simplifies Annotations usage in Spring
This annotation is an annotation that allows you to create an alias for an attribute in an annotation. These attributes have the same function. The…
3 Ways to Use the @Lazy Annotation in Spring
Does your Spring application take too long to start? Maybe this annotation could help you. This annotation indicates to Spring that a bean needs to…
Understanding @Autowired in Spring: A Comprehensive Guide
Introduction The @Autowired annotation is one of the most common annotations when working with Spring. Its objective is simple: to tell Spring to inject a…