Welcome to Spring Mastery Hub.

  • Understanding Spring’s @Required Annotation: A Legacy Perspective

    While the @Required annotation has been deprecated since Spring Framework 5, it’s not uncommon to encounter it in legacy projects. So, why should you care? Not every project is built on a fresh new Spring Framework version; there are a lot of legacy projects out there, and maybe you are working on one right now…

  • 12 Ways to Use the @Value Annotation in Spring for Flexible and Maintainable Applications

    You may already be familiar with @Value annotation from Spring. This annotation allows you to inject some properties into your beans. But there’s a lot of ways you could do that. And maybe you are not familiar with all of them. This article will show you many ways to work with @Value and some new…

  • Understanding Spring Annotations: A Comprehensive Overview

    Working with Spring involves using various annotations for application configuration, component linking, and behavior management. These annotations can be categorized into Initialization, Configuration Specifics, Stereotypes, Behavioral, and Testing. This overview provides insight into their functions and aims to guide the application of annotations in projects. Detailed guides on leveraging these annotations will be covered in…

  • Simplifying Dependency Management with Spring IoC

    Developers faced challenges with setting up complex dependencies and managing them across all components. Traditional methods like the Factory Method proved limiting and tightly coupled. Spring introduced IoC to address these issues, reducing coupling, making components more reusable, and allowing focus on value-driven features. Spring IoC facilitates simplified dependency usage and enhances productivity.

  • Why Spring Matters for Java Developers

    Writing Java Applications in the Past When writing Java applications in the past, writing all the functionalities from scratch was common. It was time-consuming, requiring significant effort to create various factories, infrastructure code, setup code, etc. Growth of the Java Ecosystem and the Problem with Large Libraries As the years passed, the Java ecosystem grew,…

  • Structural-Based Testing: Filling the Gaps in Your Test Suite

    When writing tests for your code, it’s easy to miss some parts, which can lead to bugs. How can you ensure you’ve tested everything properly? Use structural-based testing! What is Structural-based testing? This technique is about considering your code when writing your tests. It’s a complementary technique and should be used as a support of…

  • Specification-Based Testing: Devise test cases

    This is the last part of the specification-based testing series. Now we are going to put all of the knowledge that we gained from the other steps and start creating our tests efficiently. If you followed every step, you already have questioned and prepared the scenarios that will help catch as many faults in your…

  • Specification-Based Testing: Analyze boundaries

    When conducting specification-based tests, analyzing boundaries is crucial. Boundaries, such as inclusive and exclusive intervals, often harbor bugs. For instance, in the CHIP-8 emulator code, the boundary condition for the carry flag at exactly 255 requires thorough testing. Testing exact, minus one, and plus one boundary values is essential to identify potential bugs and clarify…

  • Specification-Based Testing: Exploring partitions

    When we are testing our code, we can’t only test things that will give us a successful return. Tests should be a way to help you find bugs, so in this step of the specification-based testing, we are going to understand the partitions of our code. And explore scenarios that could break our code or…

  • Specification-based Testing: Explore the program

    The third step of the specification-based test is to explore the program behavior. You can skip this step if you wrote the code that you are testing. This step is a good way to understand code that you need to test but was not implemented by you. In this scenario, you don’t have the complete…